The urbanization in our country is taking off rapidly in the context there have been more challenges related to resource depletion, environment degradation, increasing climate change threats. Solving these demands requires to have solutions toward the sustainable development direction. Specialists are trying force taking part in the award measures performance results under this direction. Initial experiences are mainly taking part in the international initiatives, co- operation projects on the following fields of urban development:

i) Consulting urban development policies, planning, designing and management of the planned projects

Urban development projects, a prevailing mode, need be managed in right direction, places, timing and beneficiaries. AMD experts have been taking part together with the national authorities such as Urban Development Agency (UDA), the international bodies such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and development (OECD), the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), and local cities in assessing urban policies, rolling out New Urban Agenda initiatives such as inclusive development, green growth, smart city in performing urban planning and designing works and urban poverty reduction projects.

ii) Consulting environmental risk management

Sustainable urbanization calls for environmental risk management. The AMD experts have coordinated with the international donors such as the Asian Development Bank (ADB), World Bank, and local cities such as Can Tho, Hue and other cities in: applying solutions to reduce the climate risks; appraising and monitoring environment sustainability in urban development project; and taking part in proposing green city planning.

iii) Providing support to urban networking

Linking cultural and infrastructural spaces are indispensable initiative in urban networking. The AMD experts not only provide support to connect and exchange multi language working documents between international donors, cities and relevant stake holders in in successful performances of urban upgrading and development projects, but also held updating information on key cities-linking infrastructure.

iv) Providing support to information update

Digital transformation key is information. The AMD experts has provided support to national agencies and relevant parties in the: Composition and analysis of urban development policy information and databases on the GIS, Open spatial platform and the Web; Build up the applications using3D map graphics and GIS; and Training and transferring technology to upgrade working capacity for urban planning and management staff.
