The process of environmental risk management includes targeting, building a risk database, assessing the current status of strategic and project impacts, and proposing plans for mitigation measures. resettlement, compensation, monitoring and evaluation of environmental quality. It not only includes technical solutions for measuring, controlling and handling indicators, but also requires environmentally friendly proactive development measures, synchronous coordination, resource mobilization, awareness. active participation and broad participation of all parties. Experience in environmental risk management is all or anything that were achieved in terms of environmental risk reduction (disaster response, climate change resilience, etc), through criteria measurement, appraisal, and monitoring evaluation of urbanization activities. AMD experts participated in:

i) Cooperating with Nippon Koe VN experts on studying and preparing a proposal for implementation of green urban planning for Sa Pa city.

ii) Cooperating with the experts of the ADB-funded Project TA8012-REG in determining and setting up a prevailing risk database, mitigation procedure and solutions, and proposed sources of financing for the climate risks of 2 pilot cities of Hue and Can Tho.

iii) Coordinating with World Bank experts to appraise environmental compliance of the Mekong Delta Urban Upgrading Project.
