The urbanization process is facing many traditional and non-traditional challenges such as resource depletion, environmental degradation, increasing climate change and the danger of unsustainable, even hindering socio-economic development. Therefore, implementing projects of urban development in a way "do locally think globally" on the basis of policies, planning, implementation management, investment many components ... towards sustainability , is becoming the mainstream.

The AMD 's urban development project management area includes the following works:

i) Research on strategic policy bases through advisory forms:

- Strategic policy consulting for sustainable urban development;

- Evaluation of strategic policy.

ii) Study regional planning, general planning, detailed planning, through the following forms:

- Participate in each part of work (architecture, infrastructure, volume estimation, strategic environmental assessment, audit, appraisal, etc);

- Implementation of the entire project;

- Applying Geographic Information System (GIS) to the planning project.

iii) Designing the urban project area through the following forms:

- Consulting on total land use plan, organization of area space and urban architecture for typical locations;

- Applied computer graphics 3D, Web-GIS 3D.

iv) Managing the implementation of domestic and international investment projects on urban upgrading and development. Consultation forms:

- Participating in single works: Bidding, Resettlement RAP, Monitoring M&E, Environmental Impact Assessment EIA and GIS application;

- Manage the implementation of the entire project: Overall plan , operation, completion, handover of the project;

- Assign individual experts to participate in project management, supervision and evaluation.
